The Oxford Union was established in 1823 to uphold free speech. We remain committed to that founding principle and believe that those skills should be open to everyone.
We support and celebrate the many outreach activities championed by The University of Oxford. The Union, too, upholds its own commitment to outreach which began in 2010 with our 'Change Through Debate' initiative. Today, the Union leads of range of outreach events throughout the year to transmit an enthusiasm for debating which we believe can play a powerful role in an individual's personal and educational journey. We also seek to dispel many of the myths around applying to Oxford by answering any questions visiting pupils might have whilst also explaining more about the Union's own history.
Please note that while we try our best to accommodate requests, the final structure of a planned visit will depend on the availability of our student-led committee and could be subject to change. Please do take note of Oxford's term dates and provide us with sufficient notice of your intended visit. There is no charge for a planned visit to the Union for primary- and secondary-level state schools from the United Kingdom. We do request that private schools offer a nominal donation amount which goes towards the upkeep of our listed buildings. Higher education institutions and students attending higher education institutions should enquire with the Union's library about a tour:
Thank you for your interest and we hope to welcome you and your school to the Union soon.
To learn more email
What type of schools are eligible for a planned visit?
There is no charge to visit the Union for primary- and secondary-level state schools from the United Kingdom. We do request that private schools offer a nominal donation amount which goes towards the upkeep of the Union's listed buildings. Higher education institutions and students attending higher education institutions should enquire with the Union's library about a tour:
When will I have my place confirmed? When should I arrive in Oxford?
The committee's schools outreach officer will coordinate your planned visit.
What will the visit involve?
We will do our best to tailor a visit to the requirements and requests of individuals schools. Out visits typically include a tour of the Union where our committee will be happy to answer questions about our history as well as the University of Oxford admissions process. Once we receive your enquiry we will get in touch to discuss exactly what experiences your students would like to get out of a visit and whether you have any accessibility requirements.
If you have any further questions, please email