The Oxford Union offers a range of membership options. You can hover over each icon below for a summary of eligibility criteria and payment options for each membership type
As part of our ongoing commitment to access, we are delighted to offer Life Membership at a discounted Access rate for eligible students. It is also possible to pay for Life Membership in termly instalments, and cheaper temporary options are available for students on shorter courses.
All members who reside at an Oxford postcode for the duration of the University of Oxford terms or longer per calendar year are required to pay an annual facility fee as a condition of their membership.
The fee is set as defined by Rule 4 and Standing Order 9, of the Society’s Rules and Regulations and is set out below
Academic Year 2024/25 (effective as of 01 August 2024)
Term of membership
Annual facility fee*
Less than 30 terms’ standing **
At least 30 and than 60 terms’ standing
At least 60 and less than 90 terms’ standing
At least 90 and less than 120 terms’ standing
At least 120 terms’ standing
*The fee increases annually as of 1st July in line with that years April CPIH percentage.
** For new members the facility fee for the total duration of the programme of study will be payable by debit or credit card upon collection of the membership card. The amount will be charged at the quoted rate of the year of joining, multiplied by the duration of the programme of study. The minimum charge is one year’s fee. For further details on eligibility criteria and payment options for each membership type, please take a look at our Terms & Conditions.
Please contact with any questions.
Who is eligible?
● Matriculated Oxford University students (including those matriculating in Michaelmas 2023)
● Current Oxford University Foundation Year students
What does it cost?
● £333
Other individuals eligible:
● Graduated matriculated Oxford University students
● Current students on a full-time course of 1+ years at an Oxford University institution (provided individuals at that institution can supplicate for University degrees/diplomas)
● Oxford University members with MA Status
● Oxford University congregation members in a full-time academic position
● Spouses of individuals eligible for Life Membership
● Current members of the Conference Olivaint, TCD PHIL, Cambridge Union, Durham Union, Harvard Political Union or Yale Political Union
Access Life Membership is divided into lower, middle and higher rates
Please Note: Access Membership is only available to undergraduates
Access Life Membership: Lower Rate
Who is eligible?
Students eligible for Standard Life Membership, who are also currently either:
● Eligible for a Maintenance Loan of £9,359+
● Eligible for a Crankstart Scholarship of £4,200+
● On an Oxford University Foundation Year Programme
● Those with a household income of no more than £27,500, as evidenced by receipt of an Oxford University Bursary equivalent to a household income of £27,500 or less
What does it cost?
● £200
Access Life Membership: Middle Rate
Who is eligible?
Students eligible for Standard Life Membership, who are also currently either:
● Eligible for a Maintenance Loan of £8,318+
● Those with a household income of no more than £35,000 as evidenced by receipt of an Oxford University Bursary equivalent to a household income of £35,000 or less
What does it cost?
● £244
Access Life Membership: Higher Rate
Who is eligible?
Students eligible for Standard Life Membership, who are also currently either:
● Eligible for a Maintenance Loan of £7,224+
● Those with a household income of no more than £42,785 as evidenced by receipt of an Oxford University Bursary equivalent to a household income of £42,785 or less
What does it cost?
● £288
Disclaimer - this membership expires on the last day of the academic year. One academic year runs from October to June.
Who is eligible?
● Individuals eligible for Life Membership
● Current students on a full-time course of 1+ years (or part-time course of 2+ years) at an Oxford University institution
● Current full time staff members of Oxford University, its Colleges or PPHs
● Current members of Magna Carta College, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, Oxford Centre for Hebrew & Jewish Studies, Ripon College Cuddesdon, Ruskin College, or the Sarah Lawrence Programme
What does it cost?
● £333 for courses of 3 years or more
● £250 for courses of 2 years (or 2 years left)
● £166 for courses of 1 year or less (or 1 year or less left)
● For staff members: £166 for three academic terms.
Who is eligible?
● Current members of Abacus College, Boston University Graduate’s Association at St Catz, Boston University Programme in Oxford, Butler Programme at St Catz, Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Cherwell College, d’Overbroeck’s College, Greene’s Tutorial Establishment, EF Academy, EF International Language Campus Oxford, Ephraim Williams, European School of Management, Georgia University Programme in Oxford, John Locke Institute, Magna Carta, Oxford Academy, Oxford Associate Student Programme, Oxford Business College, Oxford International College, Oxford International Study Centre, Oxford Media & Business School, Oxford Tutorial College, Oxford Programme for Undergraduate Studies, Reuters Foundation Programme at Green Templeton, St Clare’s, Stanford University, Washington International Studies Centre
● Associate members of St Catz, Mansfield and LMH
What does it cost?
● £333 for 3 terms of membership
● £244 for 2 terms of membership
● £166 for 1 term of membership
Who is eligible?
● Current students at Oxford Brookes University
● Any student studying for a course of six months or greater at any department, faculty or institute of the University of Oxford
What does it cost?
● £333
Who is eligible?
● Individuals resident in or near Oxford who apply in writing to the Secretary, and are interviewed and approved by Standing Committee.
What does it cost?
● £333 entrance fee (paid at time of joining)
● £162 annual subscription (paid on each joining date anniversary)